Do you have any manga/manhwa chapter or series that we don’t have on the site and you want to share it with other yaoi lovers? Feel free to send it to us and we will publish it on the website, giving you credits on the images. That way we could spare the money we’d use to buy those chapters and use them for other updates.
The info you should include is:
– title of the Manga/manhwa
– author’s name
– chapter/chapters number
– the username you want to use for credits
Ex: Spinel by Baekji ch 23 username
To upload you can do any of the following:
– Send the .zip or .rar file to us on email as attachment
– Upload the file on any free sharing site like Mega, Sendspace, MediaFire, Google Drive, etc. and email us the download link
– Drag and drop the file here
Our email: [email protected]
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